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Nature子刊: 上千种lncRNAs 可能被定义为新的肿瘤标记物

期刊名:Nature Genetics日期:2015-01-20

DOI:10.1038/ng.3192 作者:Matthew K Iyer

密西根大学综合癌症中心的研究者们最近对人类基因组中没有被详细研究过的长链非编码RNA (lncRNAs)进行了全面分析。他们发现lncRNAs可能在癌症中扮演很重要的角色,深入研究lncRNAs将会找到有利于癌症诊断,预后和治疗的新标记物。

LncRNAs在基因组研究领域很长一段时间以来都没有被深入研究。而近几年,这些非编码的RNA却越来越引起大家的注意。密西根大学的这群研究者们利用了25个独立的数据集,集合了7,526个RNA 序列样品,利用了高通量RNA测序技术,确认了在正常组织和一些常见的癌症组织里超过58,000个lncRNA 基因。他们收集到这些在各种正常组织和癌症组织的基因组图的数据,就如同打开了潘多拉的魔盒,将会有大批各种lncRNA作为新的生物标记物,会被分析并深入的学习。



研究得到的完整的数据库MiTranscriptome compendium,已经对公众开放,网址是 www.mitranscriptome.org。

原文标题:The landscape of long noncoding RNAs in the human transcriptome

Abstract:Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are emerging as important regulators of tissue physiology and disease processes including cancer. To delineate genome-wide lncRNA expression, we curated 7,256 RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) libraries from tumors, normal tissues and cell lines comprising over 43 Tb of sequence from 25 independent studies. We applied ab initio assembly methodology to this data set, yielding a consensus human transcriptome of 91,013 expressed genes. Over 68% (58,648) of genes were classified as lncRNAs, of which 79% were previously unannotated. about 1% (597) of the lncRNAs harbored ultraconserved elements, and 7% (3,900) overlapped disease-associated SNPs. To prioritize lineage-specific, disease-associated lncRNA expression, we employed non-parametric differential expression testing and nominated 7,942 lineage- or cancer-associated lncRNA genes. The lncRNA landscape characterized here may shed light on normal biology and cancer pathogenesis and may be valuable for future biomarker development.

来源: Nature Genetics浏览次数:52


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