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英语共学社 | Not since 打头的倒装句要怎么理解

本周,英语共学社一起精读这篇经济学人文章:Imperial Ambitions,关于Facebook。

开篇第一句话:NOT since the era of imperial Rome has the “thumbs-up” sign been such a potent and public symbol of power. 这句话要怎么理解呢?

Not since 打头的句子表示一种强调,主句的主谓顺序要颠倒,Not否定的是主句,而不是since。比如:

Not since Alzheimer's disease was discovered in 1906 has there been a more crucial year than 2007 in our efforts against this mind-killer.

如果是正常语序,应该是:Since Alzheimer's disease was discovered in 1906, there has not been a more crucial year than 2007 in our efforts against this mind-killer.




又比如经济学人四月刊另一篇文章:Crocodile of the Yangtze: How Jack Ma Conquered China's Internet? 其中也有这样的句型:

NOT since John Rockefeller has a businessman defined a country’s transformation as well as Jack Ma does.

如果调整成正常语序,应该是Since John Rockefeller, a businessman has not defined a country's transformation as well as Jack Ma does. 大意是,自洛克菲勒之后,还没有哪个商人能够如马云这般准确地定义一个国家的转型。

回到文章开头的那个句子:NOT since the era of imperial Rome has the “thumbs-up” sign been such a potent and public symbol of power. 调整成正常语序应该是:

Since the era of imperial Rome, the thumb-up sign has not been such a potent and public symbol of power.





在 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary 中找到了例句,也印证了我的这一观点。

Not since the 1968 Olympic Games has a medals ceremony caused such a storm of booing.

自1968 年奥运会以来,没有哪次颁奖仪式引起过如此哗然的一片嘘声。



The last time when thumbs-up was such a potent and public symbol of power was in the era of imperial Rome, and now it happens again in the era of facebook.


Not since the first decade of the twentieth century have so many people entered the US.

