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当 BBC 不「黑」我们的时候拍了一部怎样的纪录片


2016 猴年到来之际,BBC 拍了一部名为 Chinese New Year: The Biggest Celebration on Earth (《中国新年:全球最大庆典》)的纪录片。三位 BBC 主持人在春节期间来到中国,南至滇南、北到冰城,感受中国各地的春节习俗与文化,以西方人的视角讲述这片广袤土地上的春节故事。

当 BBC 不「黑」我们的时候拍了一部怎样的纪录片

对比以前 BBC 出品的中国题材纪录片(如:Secrets of China、Are our kids tough enough? Chinese School),这部片子与以往的风格可谓是大相径庭。几乎没有任何偏见与讽刺,而是对中国人庆祝春节的独特方式、春节中蕴含的深厚文化大加赞扬。「春节」在这部纪录片中不断被几位主持人称为 the world's biggest party (世界上最大的聚会)、extraordinary annual event (非凡的年度盛会)。


As well as having some of the fastest-growing modern cities, the landscapes are truly diverse. They range from vast deserts to expensive grasslands, tropical jungles and the highest mountain range in the world.



At the Chinese New Year, the modern and the traditional are brought together as the Chinese prepare for a celebration even older than the Great Wall itself.


当 BBC 不「黑」我们的时候拍了一部怎样的纪录片

对于春运(spring migration)的描述是这样的:

This time of year sees the largest annual mass migration on the plane. When a six of the world's population travels home to celebrate with their families. That is around a billion people making 3.5 billion journeys in a 40 day period.

每年的这个时候是地球上最大的年度人口迁徙。全世界六分之一的人口都会回到家乡与家人共度春节。这大约是 10 亿的人口在四十天内进行 35 亿次出行。

Beijing is one of the most densely populated cities on the plant. Around 21 million people live and work here, but at Chinese New Year millions flood out of the city and head to their home towns across China.


当 BBC 不「黑」我们的时候拍了一部怎样的纪录片


Chinese food is as rich and varied as any on earth with thousands of dishes to choose from, all cooked in a variety of ways using a host of ingredients grown right across the vast nation.


当 BBC 不「黑」我们的时候拍了一部怎样的纪录片


Protected only by his grandfather's sheepskin and a straw hat, Mr. Xue is the eye of a storm of molten metal. That was amazing.


I feel really privileged to have witnessed an ancient tradition performed by the last of Dashuhua Maters.



当 BBC 不「黑」我们的时候拍了一部怎样的纪录片

真是满屏的赞扬啊!于是此片一经上线,便引起了中国网友的热烈讨论。大家都不明白了:BBC 怎么不黑我们了? Anyway,这部片子制作精良,不仅是一部视觉盛宴,那纯正的英音、地道的英语口语表达,更是我们学英语的好材料。全片共三集,每集时长约 1 小时。三集的主题分别是 migration(归乡),reunion(团聚),celebration(庆祝)。片中涉及了大量关于春节及中国文化的地道表达,还没有看过的朋友快来看看祖国的大好河山,大饱眼福的同时也别忘了将这些生动地道的英文表达收入囊中呀。

(注:文中图片来自 BBC)

