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Do you agree or disagree the following statement: Space exploration is a waste of money.(2015.10.11托福考试独立写作考题)




Space is such an unfathomable existence that drives generations of human beings to tap into its secret. Any substantial country considers space exploration as one of its most important national strategic programs. Thus, an interesting discussion arises among ordinary people about whether this kind of investment is worth it. As far as I am concerned, space exploration is absolutely not a waste of money, and has its incomparable values. My viewpoint is based on the following reasons. (78 words)

tap into:探索

strategic programs:战略项目

be worth it:值得

a waste of money:浪费钱

incomparable values:无与伦比的价值


Firstly, a great many essential and widespread technologies are fruits of space exploration. Space exploration gives human beings a whole new perspective to look at our planet. High above the earth, we are able to observe the changing of clouds as well as formations of earth’s surface, which not only betters our understanding of the earth but also provides great convenience to our life. The invention of GPS is a good case in point. Based on the information coming from satellites, GPS can tell people the exact location of any place they want to go, and figure out the shortest route to reach there. (104 words)

be fruits of:是...的成果

a whole new perspective:全新的视角

better one's understanding of:更好地让某人理解

figure out:生成


Secondly, a country can showcase its comprehensive national power by exploring space, enhancing its international presence. Space exploration is a reflection of a country’s strength in economy and science and technology. A country with cutting-edge technology and abundant capital will have a greater say in international affairs. For example, during cold war, two superpowers--Soviet and the US competed against each other in trying to get the control of the universe. When Russia announced its successful launching of manned space aircraft, the US was reluctant to show weakness and unprecedentedly sent astronauts onto the moon, which greatly enhanced the international influence of the US. (103 words)

international presence:国际影响力

cutting-edge technology:前言科技

have a greater say:拥有更大的话语权

international affairs:国际事务

get the control of:获得...的控制权

be reluctant to show weakness:不甘示弱


Admittedly, space exploration seemingly has little to do with ordinary people’s livelihood, and it really accounts for quite a share in a country’s fiscal budget. That explains why some would express opposing opinions towards the practice. However, it is just a shortsighted view that space exploration is worthless. Looking into the future, we have reasons to believe that if space technology is monopolized by a few countries, a country without the technology will lose the upper hand in international competition. (80 words)

have little to do:与...无关

accounts for:占据

fiscal budget:财政预算

look into the future:放眼未来

lose the upper hand:丧失主动权


To recap, space exploration means a lot to a country. It is not only because the rank and file can be a direct beneficiary of space exploration, but also because the practice to explore the space endows a country with many additional values in international arena. (46 words)

means a lot to:对...意义重大

the rank and file:老百姓

be a beneficiary of:是...的受益者


additional values:附加值



